How 5G will increase our performance. The fifth generation wireless, better...
Technological partner of HPCQS, the incubator for practical quantum HPC hybrid computing unique in the world
We proudly announce that we will be part of HPCQS, a huge endeavour to create...
FlySight is finalist at the VISTA Innovation Cup @ Dubai Airshow
FlySight among the finalist at Vista Innovation Cup, the competition in Dubai...
Join us at Dubai Airshow 2021
The FlySight events in the presence go on and reach Dubai, for the Dubai...
EDA Workshop | OPENSIGHT-ars among emerging and disruptive defence technologies
At the EDA workshop on “Emerging and Disruptive Optronic Technologies for...
DSEI CONNECT hosts FlySight team
FlySight team is ready for networking. DSEI CONNECT is a platform for...
Come to meet us @ Seafuture 2021
FlySight is pleased to announce that it will be exhibitor at SEAFUTURE 2021,...
FlySight talk at EDA “Multispectral IR technologies for defence”
It was an honour for FlySight to have taken part at the first cross CapTech...
New OPENSIGHT MC demo: fusion of EO video with SAR images
ENGLISH DEMOITALIAN DEMOFlySight team's daily work is focused on enhancing our...
FlySight is looking for an Artificial Intelligence Expert
We design technologies and solutions that help our customers take control of...
New MDPI article on remote sensing: FlySight team among the authors
We are happy to announce that MDPI has recently published the article "A...
Remote sensing for power lines detection: new contract with TERNA
We are proud to announce that FlySight has recently achieved a contract from...